Discovery, Terms, & Conditions

Our commitment to Care for you is contingent on your commitment to our process and your consistent growth. Please take the time to review more about our Discovery Phases, Terms, and Conditions.



As part of the initial client on-boarding process with Social Designs, we would like to request information to support our custom design for you. We refer to this as the Discovery Phase. This information will allow for an aligned process as we begin our partnership together. Additionally, there may be more information we will request in the coming months.

Please visit www.socialdesignsconsulting.com/discoveryphase to enter the information listed below. We've also created a shared folder for you to upload documents. We will send you a link to a private folder only your company liaison has access to the requested files to.


  1. Contact person for scheduling 

  2. Contact person for invoicing

  3. Committee members and/or leadership team contact information


  1. Company mission statement

  2. Company vision statement

  3. Diversity statement or diversity charge

  4. Company values

  5. Handbook (staff)

  6. Company Culture and Processes: Policy, practices (Internal & Client-Facing), programs

  7. Organizational chart

  8. Job descriptions 


  1. Strategic plan or overview of strategic goals

  2. Previous company surveys


All Social Designs’ recommended timelines, work plans, and strategy to support your growth is customized to best fit your goals based on our expertise and what we have learned about the culture of your organizations. This is especially true for clients seeking services such as consulting, strategy, and coaching.

In the event our initial design is altered, your results may shift based on client changes.


Additional conditions are outlined in our partnership agreement. We also allow time during the Discovery Phase to discuss our collective expectations and intentions.